Sunday, December 31, 2017

We'll Take a Cup of Kindness Yet, For Auld Lang Syne

Somehow, it's been nearly a year since I began this crazy idea to blog about my gaming for Extra Life. I wasn't consistent, and I often had to put my daily real-time needs first (often, that involved passing out for an early bedtime or spending time with my husband). My blog content hasn't been terribly thought-provoking, either -- but I didn't promise it would be. That banner at the top of the page? Yep. I'm still just a terrible gamer playing games to help sick kids. Nothing more, nothing less.

My original fundraising goal for 2017 was $1,000, but I felt discouraged by a lack of donations in the first half of the year and set it back to a modest $500. This meant that I reached my goal, but it's left me feeling rather like a sellout. In 2018, I'm going to set my goal at $1,000 again and I'm going to keep it there. I still won't be able to do any streaming, but I think I'm okay with that.

Before I left Florida, I almost felt a work-like obligation to stream regularly. I was determined to provide a quality stream and I put a lot of my time into the presentation and planning which games I should play. While it was enjoyable, I also think that was bad for me. Y'see, if it isn't obvious to you handful of readers, I rather like my games. I think because they weren't readily accessible to me growing up that I've developed an unhealthy attachment to them in my adulthood. I've bent the habit to a good cause with Extra Life, but the sheer number of games at my disposal is just the other side of ridiculous.

That being said, I'm going to put forth the effort to make solid, well-written blog entries about my gaming in the coming year -- not just to promote Extra Life, but to keep my writing skills sharpened. I'll need help from those of you who read my blog, too. I need you awesome people to start leaving comments. Start up conversations about what I've said, or something you're reminded of by reading the entries. I moderate the comments to keep trolls away, but it doesn't mean I don't want you to say what you want. So this coming year, please let me know what you think about this blog and its entries!

Officially, thank you to all of the kind and generous people who donated on my Extra Life page this year. You helped me raise $533 for the kids at Children's National. I hope you'll help me again in 2018!

I suppose I should mention that I've rounded out my game collection with some more games thanks to Christmas and the Steam sale, so I should be able to offer a little more diversity in my blog entries. Should. We all know I have my favorites. (Don't think at me in that tone of voice -- I'm sure you have your favorites, too!) What do you think I should tackle this coming year? What did you hope to see this year that never came to pass? Let me know in the comments!

Have a safe and Happy New Year, everyone!

Milk & Cookies,

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