Sunday, June 30, 2019

My Desktop PC is Down

Houston, we have a problem!

Alright, to be fair, it's not as bad as the picture makes it out to be -- but that got your attention, didn't it? At least I didn't use the headline: "Can your PC spontaneously combust? Click here to find out!"

Here's the scoop: My desktop PC stopped working on Thursday. I am pretty sure that it's my power supply since the little light on the back of it doesn't light up. However, if it got a good zap it may have taken my motherboard with it.

How I am writing this: I am currently using my husband's gaming laptop hooked up to my keyboard, mouse and monitor (because my husband is awesome). He was even kind enough to install my core games for me -- LOTRO, RIFT and Town of Salem.

My gameplan: I could see about getting a power supply for my 9-year-old computer. Or I could invest in a new build to last me for the next 9 years. I am leaning towards the latter since I happen to have funds saved up, as well as some gift card money. (Becoming my patron on Patreon would help!)

Plans for the blog: Since I can still play LOTRO and RIFT, I will still have some regular content. I do also have Dead Mountaineer's Hotel installed so I can take care of that incentive from last year, and there are several other incentives I can take care of, too.

But never fear! Even if I didn't have a backup computer to use for games, I'd manage to take pictures of me learning to play The Lord of the Rings Card Game and blog about that!

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