Monday, June 1, 2020

Learning LOTRO: Lesson Fifteen - Rune-keeper Class Quests

In this series, I talk about various aspects of The Lord of the Rings Online. This series is meant for newcomers, but may also help veteran players find more to love about the game.

It's time for us to check back in with our second character, the dwarven rune-keeper Rhewbarf. Our bearded buddy has grown up a bit and has had to face Rune-keeper-specific Class Quests. These quests rely on the unique talents of the Rune-keeper Class and put every Rune-keeper to the test!

Since writing about Rhewbarf seven weeks ago, he's been leveled up to 50 so that I can cover a variety of other basics in this series. In this entry, we're going to talk about the first two Rune-keeper Class Quests that are auto-bestowed at level 15 and at level 30. There are others, but they're a bit more advanced and complicated -- and thus will end up in a future entry.

Class Trainer

The first thing I'll ask you to remember is that I specifically said that the Trainers are NOT obsolete even though we no longer have to visit them to learn our class skills. When you reach level 15, you're going to get some mail called "Pressing Matters." This mail is going to send you to one of the many Rune-keeper trainers scattered throughout Middle-earth, because they want to send you to help someone and learn a lesson.

Level 15: An Eye in the Storm

The first class quest that Rune-keepers are sent on will send you beyond where you've likely quested, but you shouldn't run into anything on your way there (unless you stray from the path), and the quest itself is instanced. If you haven't been there, you have to leave Bree by its southern gate and follow the road past the marshes, past the Bree homesteads and off into the Lone-lands. You'll be looking for an elf NPC outside of the Forsaken Inn. You'll know the Inn when you see it -- it has a gaping hole in the roof that you can see at a distance.


This is Techeryn. I feel like the devs took the word "teacher" and just tried to make it sound elvish, but I could be wrong. If there are any language scholars among my readers, feel free to educate me on this one. In any case, she gets right to the point about this lesson she wants to teach you, and it looks like we're in for an adventure on Weather-top. 

Waiting for Lightning to Strike

So, just as the quest text indicates, Rhewbarf was tasked with placing some runes on flat stones on top of Weather-top during a storm... and waiting for lightning to strike. Oh, and by the way, she has heard of orcs being sighted. (Spoiler alert: You're gonna fight some orcs.)

This is a very easy quest. After you've located all three flat stones and placed the rune stones on them, some orcs will run in from the path and you have to defeat them. There are four waves: a solo orc, an orc pair, and then the last two solo orcs are tougher. You'll have a short breather between each, but as long as you start damaging with ranged attacks, you'll build up your attunement and take very little damage overall. With your success, Techeryn gives you a rune-stone and a snazzy title.

Level 30: The Word of a Healer

The next class quest pops up at level 30, but unlike the Hunter quests you are being sent to someone different. This time, you're told to head to the North Downs, specifically to the dwarf settlement of Othrikar. You should already know how to get to this location by the time you're at this level: head north from Bree, past Trestlebridge, take a right when you see the creepy white trees of Fornost in front of you, and just keep heading east until you reach Esteldin. Northwest of there, up on a hilltop, is Othrikar. You can't miss it. (Look for the dwarves. If they're attacking you, you found the Dourhands instead.)


Your teacher this time is a dwarf named Huldar, but he's a little too focused on new of an impending attack to consider teaching you what you want to know. So he strikes a deal -- help repel the attack and he'll teach you afterwards. What can you do but agree?

This quest is pretty easy, too. It plays out very much like a solo skirmish, minus the skirmish soldier. Huldar leaves you to help a group of guards at the entrance of Othrikar, while he heads to the upper side by the mines to help a different group there. You'll be defeating Dourhands and birds, and then sent to help the other group because Huldar is injured. But like a good dwarf, he's gonna walk it off and everything'll be okay. Your rewards are the choice of a hat or a rune-stone, and another snazzy title.

And that's it! I bet you thought these would be hard. Some other classes DO have much harder ones (at least, I remember them being hard when I first did them...), but the Rune-keeper ones are pretty straightforward.

Other Class Quests

As I mentioned before, there is a class-specific set of quests that will send you back to your Trainer at level 39, and all of the classes have the same format, so I'll be talking about that set all at the same time in a future entry.

There is also a bigger set of quests at level 50 (available at level 45) that all of the classes get, but they are wildly different and more complicated. You can expect those quests to be in a much further entry in the future after we cover more of the basics. And there are a LOT of basics left to cover!

Was this entry helpful? Let me know! The series continues next Monday!

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