Friday, January 1, 2021

12 Days of Christmas: Day 7

🎵 On the seventh day of Christmas, Gamer Reverie gives to thee... 🎵

The Fellowship

This year, I did a solid revamp (or three) on my Patreon in an effort to grow my readership and give a little something back to those who choose to support my ongoing blog travesty that is Gamer Reverie. One great idea that I was given was to make an introductory tier with limited spaces for my "core fans," we'll call them. This tier would get access to everything for being among the first, and so I decided to integrate my nerdy preferences.

The group became The Fellowship:

At the time of writing this, there are still 3 spaces in The Fellowship. If you are enjoying what I do (despite Learning LOTRO being on hiatus), please consider joining us for $2/month! You will not need to walk into Mordor, be stuck with arrows, or run away from orcs. (Unless you want to join me in The Lord of the Rings Online!)

Many thanks to the current Fellowship members: Fixy Clary, Reset Reboot, STaylorY, Captain Coffee, and Matthew Berno!

Day 7 Game Gift

For a chance to win the game gift for Day 7, just click the image below! (Yes, it's that easy.)

Be sure to come back tomorrow for a chance to win the next game and see what else I have to share!

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