Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Learning LOTRO: Lesson Fifty - Guides & Resources


In this series, I talk about various aspects of The Lord of the Rings Online. This series is meant for newcomers, but may also help veteran players find more to love about the game.

Not sure where to find information about something in The Lord of the Rings Online? Something more advanced than Learning LOTRO has covered so far? I got you. Here's a brief collection of helpful links to guides and resources on various topics from our amazing game community! There are probably a lot more, but I stuck with some basics compiled with the help of a kinmate (thanks, Resolina!).

Apologies for the lateness of this one, friends. I opted to celebrate my birthday and rest over the weekend, and then my internet didn't want to cooperate! --snarkqueen


As the name suggests, FibroJedi struggles with fibromyalgia, but that hasn't stopped him from enjoying a variety of MMOs and creative outlets and sharing his knowledge with others! You'll find some helpful festival guides here that get updated annually!

Dadi's LOTRO Guides (website)

You know how I am *not* the person to follow for guides on class builds and group content? Well, this is one of the people you *should* follow for that sort of content! This is where you should look for specific mechanics to defeat specific bosses. You'll thank me.

LOTRO HQ (website)

This is another site with class builds, but also guides for Imbuement, Progression, and Virtues. I haven't used this site much myself (I don't spend any time with my Legendaries like I should), but it comes highly recommended and used by other regular players.

If you've been playing for even a little while, someone has probably sent you a link to one of Ghyn's videos. He covers everything from class builds, to raids, to news from the developers. This is a good resource for figuring out what build/rotation to use for specific class trait lines, and there are often giveaways.

Newbie Guide (Away Shall Fade kinship forum)

Confession: I'm an officer in this kin and I didn't know this guide existed until Resolina shared it with me. It's long and it covers a LOT. It reads a little bit like the wiki, but explains with a little more depth.


This is a cosmetics blog, and the best thing about it is on the left-hand side: there's a list of a LOT of other cosmetic blogs. If you didn't know cosmetics was that big of a deal, well now you know. 

D&Co du Milieu (housing & decor)

And if you thought cosmetics was a big deal, you should see how people are about housing decor and the housing scene in-game. The premium housing made everyone go wild, and they're still working to expand upon it. A lot of the original, basic housing has emptied out -- but this site can show you how to make even the older style housing look amazing and where you can obtain specific items. They have also been known to host housing contests!

LOTRO Players (fan news site)

Guides, news, lore, fanfic, music... you can find a bit of everything here. I have only referenced it on occasion, but there's a lot of passion behind it and you'll also find it packed full of solid info.

LOTRO Events Schedule (LOTRO forum)

This is just a forum post, but it is THE source for the dates and times of events. If it isn't here, it isn't happening. Bookmark it. I promise you'll want to reference it sooner or later.

The LOTRO Beacon (LOTRO website)

This is the weekly official newsletter from LOTRO that includes current events, sales and fan-made content. You can submit your own content to be featured by sending a simple e-mail. There's space for featured kinships, screenshots, and a code to claim a freebie from the store. As a content creator, I can tell you it makes my whole week to see Learning LOTRO featured in the Beacon!


Look, I know this is an impersonal source... but a lot of people work very hard to keep it updated where it counts. This is where you'll likely go to make sure you're on the right track with your quests, or to find out where to get a specific material for a recipe. I've answered a LOT of player questions simply by flexing my Google-fu with the wiki, and I've learned a lot as a result. This wiki is your friend!

Which guides or resources are your go-to sites? Let me know in the comments or tag me @spottedsnark on Twitter!

Was this entry helpful? Let me know! The series continues on Monday!
If you play LOTRO, consider joining The Fellowship on Patreon for as little as $2!

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