Saturday, March 4, 2023

Soundtrack Saturday: Ghost on the Shore

In this weekly feature, I recommend game soundtracks. I share a few of my favorite tracks, talk about why everyone should listen to the soundtrack, and a little bit about the composer. This week's choice is Ghost on the Shore by like Charlie.


Name: Ghost on the Shore
like Charlie
Publisher: Application Systems Heidelberg
Release Date: February 24, 2022
Genres: Adventure
Composer(s): Shtevil, Ward Snauwaert, Dries Vienne, Simon Alexander


(The full list of tracks are linked by playlist below... and I highly recommend some good headphones to best enjoy all of the subtle elements of the music!) 

Ghost (Ward Snauwaert, Dries Vienne)
(Length: 5:33) I included this track for its obvious unearthly feel and atmospheric elements. Just in case you forgot this game involved a ghost.

Bellamere (Ward Snauwaert, Dries Vienne)
(Length: 6:07) While also very atmospheric, the subtle piano and other instruments almost make me think of something by Andrew Bird in this track. I would love to see what more he could do with this track as a starting point, in fact.

Nora's Grave (Ward Snauwaert, Dries Vienne)
(Length: 4:01) This was my favorite track until I heard the track later in this list with the gorgeous vocals. As far as instrumental tracks go, however, this one carries itself well. I've got a weakness for acoustic guitar, and this one walks its way through a variety of chords as well as along that dividing line between earthly/folk sound and ethereal/synth tones -- very aptly representing a grave where the two meet.

Fun Tree (Ward Snauwaert, Dries Vienne)
(Length: 3:22) The only track that felt like it had an uplifting element to it. The lilting beat keeps it moving, and even if the chords make it seem melancholy it's still very light, like a pleasant memory you can only think about and not return to.

The Heart of Little Rogue (Ward Snauwaert, with Marijke Guetens)
(Length: 2:36) My absolute favorite. It's hard not to hear why. Those harmonizing vocals are beautiful and chilling at the same time.

Remembering (Simon Alexander)
(Length: 4:44) I would've loved more than one song by Alexander, but perhaps that wasn't in the developers' budget. The crooning vocals and chiming guitar strings and folksy ballad vibe make this a wonderful track. Go check out Alexander's other work!

You can listen to the full soundtrack here:


This is music for a game about emotional ties which transcend death, exploring various stories while stranded on a desolate island with a ghost. The tracks are varied, representative of a spectrum of emotions and memories, and also reflecting the multiple composers who worked on the soundtrack. The tracks have a lot of atmospheric elements to them because that is also the nature of the game as you explore and find clues to piece the stories together. 


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