Who Am I?
I'm a pastor's wife and nerd!
I went to college for English/Creative Writing and minored in instrumental music. I have a spoiled cat named Athena, and three lab mixes named Moose, Honey and Scrappy. I have lived in five different states: born in Connecticut, raised in Vermont for 17 years, 2 years of college in upstate New York, 12 years in Florida, and in Mississippi since 2016. I have been happily married to a fellow gamer (and Baptist pastor) since moving to Mississippi.
I went to college for English/Creative Writing and minored in instrumental music. I have a spoiled cat named Athena, and three lab mixes named Moose, Honey and Scrappy. I have lived in five different states: born in Connecticut, raised in Vermont for 17 years, 2 years of college in upstate New York, 12 years in Florida, and in Mississippi since 2016. I have been happily married to a fellow gamer (and Baptist pastor) since moving to Mississippi.
I grew up pining for the video game consoles my cousins and friends had, grasping at the fleeting opportunities I had to play them while visiting or hanging out. I was eventually gifted a Sega Game Gear, but limited to a select handful of kid-friendly games. (I made a valiant effort to enjoy Disney's Bonkers: Wax Up!, but it was futile.) I was eventually able to break into tepid PC gaming in high school and college. My first PC game was Lords of Magic: Special Edition, courtesy of my dad. (Thanks, Dad.) What followed was an obsession with adventure games and many of the beloved strategy games of the 90's from Sierra.
A former boyfriend addicted to Skyrim is what first prompted me to sign up for a Steam account in 2011, as it seemed the only way to communicate with him through the fog of Elder Scrolls obsession. This resulted in my exposure to more games, including The Lord of the Rings Online the following year, which in turn led me to the Extra Life charity -- and that led me to RIFT and my husband!
Since then, my gaming has branched out to touch many genres, none of which I am any good at (though my husband says I am best at MMOs). Being limited by the internet options when I moved to Mississippi, I wasn't able to stream on Twitch for a while and that led to this blog. I know it isn't as exciting as watching a live stream or video, but I hope you can enjoy it all the same! I have been able to return to Twitch in the last couple of years, so if you enjoy my perspective here you might like my streams, too.
Since then, my gaming has branched out to touch many genres, none of which I am any good at (though my husband says I am best at MMOs). Being limited by the internet options when I moved to Mississippi, I wasn't able to stream on Twitch for a while and that led to this blog. I know it isn't as exciting as watching a live stream or video, but I hope you can enjoy it all the same! I have been able to return to Twitch in the last couple of years, so if you enjoy my perspective here you might like my streams, too.
A Gamer By Any Other Name
I hadn't ever had much of an internet handle when I first signed up for Steam, and the only person I actually intended to speak to via the client was my Dovakiin (now-ex) boyfriend. As a result, my account name is actually my super-ancient AOL screen name that no longer exists, which was just a bad combination of my initials and a word. I randomly came up with the display name of 'snarkqueen' because my friends often said I was snarky. It isn't a terribly good name, but there it is.I am also known by a variety of other names online:
Second Life: Koterie Itoku
RIFT: Kantri or Fylgja (Greybriar, formerly Faeblight)
LOTRO: Aarawynn (Arkenstone, Evernight, Angmar) or Birle (Landroval)