Saturday, November 24, 2018

Spicy Challenge Poll Results & Other Milestones

I promised to do a Spicy Challenge if I reached my $1,000 goal for Extra Life this year, and I let you vote to decide which challenge I would do. Here are the results!

17.2% Samyang Nuclear 2X Spicy Ramen (8,808 Scoville units)
34.5% 10 wings feat. Hot Ones' Last Dab sauce (+2 million Scoville units)
10.3% World's Hottest Lollipop (+9 million Scoville units)
37.9% World's Hottest Chocolate Bar (+9 million Scoville units)

You successfully chose THE hottest option and most difficult challenge! I'm not sure if I should thank you all or wonder just how much you hate me!

As you can see from the picture (which I took today after the bar arrived in the mail), it is a very small bar of chocolate. The bar is segmented into 12 pieces. The official challenge is to eat one piece of the bar every 60 seconds and to see how many pieces you can finish. Most videos of people I have seen only succeed in eating 1-4 pieces.

While I'm at it, I'll explain what the whole Scoville units thing is for those who don't understand!

Devised by Wilbur Scoville in 1912, a Scoville Unit is a measurement of capsaicin level in a particular pepper or variety. Capsaicin is what makes peppers taste hot. Concentrated in the veins of the pepper, the compound stimulates your nerve endings and makes your brain think that you are in pain. 
Scoville heat units (SHU) are simply a measurement of sugar-water. The Scoville Organoleptic Test measures chili heat by figuring out how much sugar-water needs to be diluted into a chili pepper mash to get to the point where you no longer feel the heat at all. 
The example given by is: Say you have a teaspoon of jalapeno pepper. How many teaspoons of sugar-water do you need to dilute into it until you couldn't taste any heat whatsoever? That's the test, and the answer is the Scoville heat units. 
A cup of mashed jalapeno that's labelled 2,500 to 8,000 Scoville heat units would take anywhere from 2,500 to 8,000 cups of sugar-water to dilute it to zero heat. The range exists instead of an exact number because of variances existing in peppers of the same type depending on growing factors like soil and region. 
Originally, there were taste testers that were needed to complete this test, but today high performance liquid chromatography is used which measures the amount of capsaicin in the pepper itself to define the heat. Scientists take their results from this test and then convert them back into Scoville heat units.

Knowing that, and looking back up at the poll results, I know I am in for a world of pain. But I won't be alone, and I'll have other people on hand to help me if it goes poorly! Friends have agreed to help film the challenge and have plenty of milk, ice cream, etc. on hand for my poor mouth. My husband will attempt to interview me about Extra Life and gaming while I try to endure the blistering chocolate!

I don't have a date yet for when this will happen or a video will be made available. I have a long list of other Milestone Incentives to make good on, too!

An approximated (but not guaranteed) schedule looks like this:

1.) All donors will receive 2 pieces of digital artwork via e-mail for Christmas.
2.) Sometime during December I will play and blog about Dead Mountaineer's Hotel.
3.) Also in December, I have a donor-sponsored entry to do about LOTRO's Yule Festival.
4.) I will finish off December by playing a sports game.
5.) In January, I will have a blog entry about a cheap romance novel (which I have already read *gag*).
6.) January will also be when I torture myself with Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy.
7.) Sometime in January/February you will see a video of me singing "Let It Go."
8.) February will be for playing a Dark Souls game AND watching the Twilight movies.
9.) If I can keep to this schedule, I'll get the Spicy Challenge done by my birthday (Feb 28th).

That's a lot, but I owe you all a lot for helping me raise so much money this year! And please don't forget, I can still accept donations through the end of December! For each $100 past my goal, I'll come up with new milestone incentives to make good on! And you can expect another Spicy Challenge on next year's list -- probably the lollipop or hot wings!

Thank you again to ALL of my donors! Please feel free to comment with any feedback or suggestions about the milestone incentives from this year so I can make an even better list for next year!

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