Saturday, August 14, 2021

Soundtrack Saturday: Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon


In this weekly feature, I recommend game soundtracks. I share a few of my favorite tracks, talk about why everyone should listen to the soundtrack, and a little bit about the composer. This week's choice is Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon by Ubisoft.


Name: Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal

Publisher: Ubisoft

Release Date: May 1, 2013
Genres: Action, adventure
Composers: Power Glove


(The full list of tracks are linked by playlist below... and I highly recommend some good headphones to best enjoy all of the subtle elements of the music!) 

(Length: 3:05) This perfectly sets the tone for the entire soundtrack. *mic drop*

(Length: 2:08) I'm here for this thumping beat! 5.5K other people apparently were, too...

(Length: 3:32) This is a track you crank up the bass to and FEEL it pulsing through you. It makes you want to move, and for that reason I'm likely going to add this to a workout mix.

(Length: 2:21) I'm feeling all the Furi vibes in this track! It reminds me a great deal of "Make This Right" by The Toxic Avenger.

(Length: 3:39) Hands down my favorite track here. I think it's the guitar.

(Length: 2:53) This is a pretty sweet rock ballad, and you can't convince me otherwise!

You can listen to the full playlist here:


Look, I promise I didn't decide to make all of these Soundtrack selections from synthwave examples... they just happen to be synthwave. That said, it's another great album, is it not? I immediately feel transported to the 80's and the future simultaneously. 

I guess I need to look up more synthwave. (Hit me with suggestions if you have any!)


If there was any doubt about the authenticity of the synthwave sound of the OST, it can be laid to rest by the fact that the duo who created it called themselves "Power Glove" -- named after the Nintendo Power Glove of 1989. I'm not familiar with the other works they've done, but they are a brother duo from Australia and I imagine we're not done hearing great things from them.

Supposedly the only direction they were given for this OST was "Purple Lazer Beams." And this is what we got? Genius.

If you like what you heard here, you can purchase the soundtrack on Amazon, or listen to it on services like Spotify or Apple. (It was a bonus item with the game if pre-ordered, which I assume is why it isn't available on Steam.)

If you enjoy my Soundtrack selections, consider joining me on Patreon!

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