Saturday, August 28, 2021

Soundtrack Saturday: Mirror's Edge - Catalyst


In this weekly feature, I recommend game soundtracks. I share a few of my favorite tracks, talk about why everyone should listen to the soundtrack, and a little bit about the composer. This week's choice is Mirror's Edge - Catalyst by DICE.


Name: Mirror's Edge - Catalyst
Developer: DICE

Publisher: Electronic Arts

Release Date: June 7, 2016
Genres: Action, adventure
Composers: Solar Fields


(The full list of tracks are linked by playlist below... and I highly recommend some good headphones to best enjoy all of the subtle elements of the music!) 

(Length: 14:15) This is the first track that really encouraged me to listen to its layers and nuances, and for the first 3~ish minutes I thought I was listening to something by Troika, but by the 5-minute mark not only do we have some digital beats for percussion we have also have a steady guitar riff. Just after 7:00 we get the amped up aerobics shift, and the last few minutes make me think of the Amplitude soundtrack. It's quite a ride!

(Length: 18:00) This track has an interesting progression of sounds and rhythms, but is for the most part very laidback. It puts me in mind of a lot of "electronic chill" music channels.

(Length: 21:59) The haunting tones at the beginning reminded me of the Portal soundtracks. This is my favorite track. It is mysterious and builds upon itself neatly. It's a joy to listen to. Close your eyes and lose yourself in this track for 20 minutes and I promise you won't be disappointed!

(Length: 24:36) The beginning caught me on this one with its climbing arpeggios. It then follows a path of mellow, dark, mysterious, muted percussion, and then when the beat kicks in around 16:50 it sounds almost industrialized or mechanical, ending on a more whimsical and upbeat resolution. 

(Length: 3:55) The titular track had to be included, of course, but it's also in my favorite picks because it stands out. It has a balanced variety of electronic sounds and just... has that particular sound of a theme.

You can listen to the full playlist here:


Look, you're either going to love this or hate it. There's no middle ground. You either enjoy electronic music and digital ambience, or you think it's just noise. You will know within minutes if this is your kind of jam or not. That said, it's an exemplary addition to all that is electronic music and fans of the genre should certainly give it a thorough listen. The tracks might be long, but the journeys they take you on are not to be missed!


Wandering off the beaten path, this week we're visiting an electronic artist from Sweden! This sort of electronic music is an acquired taste, and I freely admit to only knowing Mirror's Edge and this sequel soundtrack out of his list of works. The work on his album titled EarthShine is what led DICE and EA to commission him for the Mirror's Edge score, so... if you enjoyed this OST, maybe go check it out?

If you like what you heard here, you can purchase the soundtrack on Amazon:

If you enjoy my Soundtrack selections, consider joining me on Patreon!

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