Saturday, December 4, 2021

Soundtrack Saturday: Final Fantasy X


In this weekly feature, I recommend game soundtracks. I share a few of my favorite tracks, talk about why everyone should listen to the soundtrack, and a little bit about the composer. This week's choice is Final Fantasy X by Square Enix.


Name: Final Fantasy X
Developer: Square Enix

Publisher: Square Enix

Release Date: December 17, 2001
Genres: Action, RPG
Sound Designers: Nobuo Uematsu, Masashi Hamauzu, Junya Nakano


(The full list of tracks are linked by playlist below... and I highly recommend some good headphones to best enjoy all of the subtle elements of the music!) 

(Length: 3:11) Some of the tonal build-up in the beginning somehow reminds me of The Eagles' "Journey of the Sorcerer," which is a favorite of mine, making this my second-favorite track in this OST.

(Length: 2:42) Can't help but like this track just the way you can't help but like the character.

(Length: 2:50) Big band rendition of the chocobo theme? Yes. 

(Length: 2:15) It's my weakness again -- that moving line underneath everything, minor progressions, and a genuine feel of emotion beautifully portrayed through the music -- in this case, a sinister desire and goal.

(Length: 2:26) I just like the piano, so I had to include it.

(Length: 3:51) This is my favorite track. It just sings something terribly poignant and personal if you listen to the layers.

Suteki da ne (orchestral version)
(Length: 6:19) What kind of Final Fantasy fan would I be if I didn't include this track? 

You can listen to the complete playlist here:


Another fan favorite from the Final Fantasy series, this one released in my senior year of high school. I haven't played very far in it (I was late to the series, okay?), but it clearly ranks up there with some of the great game title even though it's 20 years old this month. 

It's Final Fantasy. How can you not enjoy the music?


Nobuo Uematsu: We have discussed this fine gentleman a few times already: Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger.

Masashi Hamauzu: Hired by Square as a trainee, he rose to eventually pick up the mantle of Nobuo Uematsu when Uematsu left Square in 2004. Hamauzu left Square in 2010 to start his own studio, called MONOMUSIK.

Junya Nakano: Nakano worked for Konami for 3 years before joining the gang at Square, where he worked for 14 years before departing to join his mentor's band. His portfolio includes credit for work on titles like Threads of Fate, Dawn of Mana, and Final Fantasy XIII.

If you like what you heard here, you can purchase the soundtrack on Amazon!

If you enjoy my Soundtrack selections, consider joining me on Patreon!

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